The Indopacific : the artisan of global balance?
Despite being an emerging geopolitical concept, the Indo-Pacific is now at the centre of international attention. Economically, it is one of the world’s most dynamic regions, accounting for almost 40% of global GDP.
Interest in the region stems primarily from questions of security and power, against a backdrop of Sino-American rivalry. Its main characteristic is its maritime dimension, which places it at the heart of the issues of securing maritime routes, particularly for energy products and raw materials, as well as protecting biodiversity and adapting to climate change.
The Indo-Pacific is the site of numerous agreements covering different alliances, often with a commercial dimension (RCEP, for example). This multiplicity illustrates the complexity of relations within the region and with the rest of the world. The economic dimension is now closely linked to the geopolitical dimension, and this new situation gives the region a pivotal role in the search for an alternative to a worsening of tensions.


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