Press Coverage

The press gave quite favorable reviews to our new competition, « La parole aux étudiants. » In a first round of articles, the press announced the event to the general public and covered its inauguration – with news briefs, articles and radio interviews (Le Monde, Le Parisien, Aujourd’hui en France, Direct Matin, France Culture, France Culture Plus, France Info, La Lettre de l’Expansion). In a second round of coverage, the press reported the results of the competition. L’Expansion and La Tribune devoted special sections to the competition with numerous excerpts from the material that students had contributed. Le Monde gave a whole page to the entry of one of the winners. La Lettre A, L’Agefi, La Provence et Sud Ouest passed on many of the original ideas of the students. France Culture, co-producer of the event, devoted several programs to the winners and their ideas (Les Carnets de l’économie and Grantanfi). Last 12 September, Les Echos published an opinion forum summarizing the main ideas that had emerged from the contributions by the participants. The media (national and regional, generalists and specialists) who announced the competition also gave information about it on their internet sites. Download the press reviews (pdf)