Nathalie BEGHIN
- Co-Director Inesc
- Conseil pour la Sécurité alimentaire, Brésil
- @nathalie_beghin
Nathalie Beghin, Belgian and Brazilian. I’m an economist graduated from the Université Libre de Bruxelles – ULB, Belgium (1985). I hold a doctorate in Social Policies from the University of Brasília – UnB, Brazil (2009). Since January 2022 I have been co-director at Inesc (Institute of Socioeconomic Studies), a Brazilian NGO. I’m also president of Latindad (Latin America Network for Economic and Social Justice). I worked in Brazil for international NGO (Oxfam), international financial institution (IDB) and the Brazilian Government (National Institute of Food and Nutrition and Institute for Economic Applied Research). I’m part of the Consea (Food and Nutrition Security National Council) since the beginning, in 1993. Main areas of work: food and nutrition security, hunger, fiscal justice, human rights.
July 5