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  • Le Cercle des économistes


Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann, Director of Research at INRA, is a professor at the Paris School of Economics. She is Chair of the United Nations Panel on Global Food Security (HLPE-FSN). She works on issues of development and international trade, as well as the distribution of wealth in France in the 19th and 20th centuries. She was deputy director of Paris Jourdan Sciences Économiques, a joint research unit within the Paris School of Economics, and directed INRA's Laboratoire d'Économie Appliquée. She has worked at the OECD Development Centre and led several trade policy diagnostics in African countries for the Enhanced Integrated Framework, an aid-for-trade initiative of six UN agencies. Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann is a graduate of the École Normale Supérieure Ulm-Sèvres and Sciences Po, and holds a PhD in economics from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.