- CEO of Group MAIF and Co-President of Mouvement Impact France
- @https://twitter.com/pascaldemurger
A former ENA student, Pascal Demurger left the budget department of the Ministry of Economy and Finance to join MAIF in 2002. He held various positions before taking over the management of the group in 2009. Elected president of the Groupement des Entreprises Mutuelles d'Assurance (GEMA) in 2014, he took part in the creation of the Fédération Française de l'Assurance, of which he has been vice president from 2016 until July 2019. He was the first president of the Association des Assureurs Mutualistes founded the same year. As a committed CEO and leader, he believes that the company must assume its responsibilities to solve our contemporary ecologic and social challenges. He shared this conviction in a book, L'entreprise du XXIè siècle sera politique ou ne sera plus (Editions de l'Aube), published in June 2019. He describes an original business model, which endures : MAIF became a mission-driven company in 2020 and has recently taken noteworthy actions such as the reimbursement of car premiums during the Covid-19 crisis or the creation of an ecological dividend. In January 2022, he published a report, in partnership with the Jean Jaurès Foundation, in which he formulated 12 economic proposals seeking to modify regulations in order to encourage each company to commit to the ecological and social transition. As an extension of these vision, he is involved in the Impact France movement and became its co-president in May 2023.
July 6