

Ancienne ministre de la justice, de la législation et des droits de l'homme - Bénin

She is the Ambassador of the Unitlife / UN initiative (for the promotion of innovative financing for the fight against malnutrition) for all of Africa.
She is a Special adviser to the Togolese Republic President. She is also the Coordinator of the African initiative for peace education through interreligious and intercultural dialogue, launched by Professor Albert Tevoedjrê.

Reckya MADOUGOU was awarded the “ Woman of Courage Award ” by the US government in 2007 and was presented by the renowned US magazine FORBES in late 2016 as one of the most influential African women after a ranking of the Pan-African Magazine Jeune Afrique which ranks her among the fifty (50) most influential Africans in the world.

In addition, the influential international foundation of Swiss origin Crans Montana, awarded her the distinction of New Leader of Honor in Morocco on 20 March and selected her as the sponsor of the 2017 promotion of new leaders of the future.

Political woman, international expert in Inclusive Finance and development projects, former minister of renown, Special Advisor to the President of The Togolese Republic, this challenge woman, advises several governments on the continent.
As an activist and specialist in the inclusive economy and human rights, she is invited to the four corners of the world to share her rich experience in development tools, financial inclusion, promotion of the private sector, development assistance , Mechanisms for good governance and citizen participation, etc.

Twitter: @MadougouReckya

Blog: www.reckyamadougou.com

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