

Non-executive Chair of the Board of Directors - National Bank of Greece

Louka Katseli is Chair of the Board of Directors of the National Bank of Greece and Chair of the Hellenic Bank Association. She has served as Greece’s Minister of Labor and Social Security (2010-2011), Minister of Economy, Competitiveness and Shipping (2009-2010) and a member of the Hellenic Parliament (2007-2012). She has also served as Director of the OECD Development Centre in Paris (2003-2007), Director General of the Hellenic Center of Planning and Economic Research (KEPE) (1982-1986) and as International Economic Advisor to the Greek Prime Minister (1993-1996).

She has been a member of several prominent international and European Committees including the UN Committee of Development Policy (1996-2003), the European Commission’s Economic and Monetary Policy Committees (1982-1985) and the “Comité des Sages” on the Reform of the European Social Charter (1995-1997). She is a member of the Steering Committee of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (E.A.D.I.) and a member of the Euro 50 Group since 2000.

Prof. Katseli holds a Ph.D. (1978) in International and Development Economics from Princeton University (Distinguished Dissertation in Economics), an MPA in Public Affairs (1974) from the Woodrow Wilson School for Public and International Affairs, an MA in Economics (1975) from Princeton University and a BA in Economics (1972, cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa) from Smith College. She is Professor of International Economics and Development at the Department of Economics of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens (1987-present) and has served as Assistant and Associate Professor of Economics at Yale University’s Department of Economics and the School of Organization and Management (1977-1985). She is the recipient of numerous distinctions and fellowships, including that of the Best Young Professor at Yale (1980). She has published extensively in the areas of development economics and finance, migration management, investment and trade, exchange rate policy and institution-building in European and developing countries.

Louka Katseli on Twitter: @loukakatseli

Institution Profile: National Bank was established in 1841 and leads one of the largest and strongest financial groups in Greece, with a strong presence in Southeast Europe and Eastern Mediterranean. Ιt controls the ¼ of retail banking and has a 25% market share in deposits.  With 527 branches and 1,423 ATMs, it has an extensive service network covering the entire geographical area of Greece, while at the same time it is developing alternative distribution channels for its products, such as Mobile and Internet Banking services. Today, the network of the Bank abroad includes 1,204 units, while the Group employs 34,554 employees, serving a market of 125 million residents (www.nbg.gr/en)

string(91) "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nd6AzDoITN0&list=PL3YBt-EW6CgS5tSIL0HIFipaVamHhZCkP&index=2"