Climate change, take shelter!
As a meteorological reality, the tangible effects of global warming have been visible and disastrous for populations and biodiversity in recent years: devastating fires in Greece, France, Chile… devastating floods in Pakistan, among others. Rising sea levels and changes in ecosystems are just some of the effects of climate change, which is leading to migratory upheavals and unstable food chains, which are themselves at the root of most land-use changes and the conversion of natural habitats: in 2022, 32.6 million people were forced to flee due to natural disasters, representing 50% of intra-country migrations. In 2021, the World Bank was already estimating that 216 million people would be at risk of becoming climate refugees by 2050. The United Nations Environment Programme has also noted that more than half of the world’s total GDP is moderately or highly dependent on nature. How should people prepare for climate change ?

Aligarh Muslim University



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