How can we finance transitions?
In a time where transitions, whether economic, ecological, or demographic, are more than ever at the forefront of social and political concerns, the question of their financing is becoming increasingly central. While many policymakers strive to address these issues, it is undeniable that such transitions will require a transformation of a scale akin to past great revolutions. Nevertheless, relying solely on public authorities to address the issues of transitions is insufficient. The debate on the financing of transitions thus rekindles a profound reflection on how to collectively lead efforts towards these transformations. The major challenge lies in maintaining societal balance, the fragility of which is increasingly accentuated by challenges such as the worsening of inequalities, the development of social and regional conflicts, the increase in migrations, and the multiplication of natural disasters. How, then, can we explore sustainable financing mechanisms to ensure a successful transition to a sustainable future for all?

Euronext Paris



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